- Go to classroom.relay.school and click on the google button to log in
- Use your school email account to log in
- Once logged in, use the dropdown on the top left to select the class that you want to edit. These are the classes that you create in google classroom and should automatically be in the system.
- Once the correct class is selected, click the "Class Settings" button.
- Once in class settings select the dropdown for "Type" under the "Schedule" section. Select the days and time for the class making sure that this matches the school schedule.
- Click Save
- Click back
- You should now see students like those highlighted in yellow below. Click the view buttons highlighted in green to get different views of all students machines or click on the student to view their screen individually
Different views of students
Heat Map (The students with the most usage will be a darker orange)
Screens (shows each student's current screen)
Individual Student (appears when you click on a sutdent's name)