Video call participant's volume might be low on a Chrome device.  This may result in low sound where other participants can't hear the remote party.

This issue could affect Zoom, Google Meet or other audio applications that use the Chrome device microphone.

Here are a couple of steps that might help with the Mic issue.

] Adjusting zoom settings to correct microphone being too loud

If the receiving end thinks your microphone is too loud you can adjust the zoom setting to disable "Automatically adjust microphone volume" and manually control it.

  1. Open Zoom on your Chromebook.
  2. Click on the Gear icon within Zoom. 
  3. Click on the Audio tab.
  4. Uncheck “Automatically adjust microphone volume”.  
  5. You can then adjust the mic volume manually as shown in the hardware troubleshooting steps above.

] Adjust the volume on your Chromebook
Control your microphone volume
You can adjust how loud or soft your voice sounds to others during a call or meeting.

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Next to the volume slider, select Audio settings.
  3. Under “Input,” drag the microphone slider left or right.
  4. Tip: To mute the volume, select Microphone

] Ensure the Chromebook is Updated

Chromebooks update automatically to provide you with the latest features and keep the software fresh and speedy.  Sometimes the update process doesn't quite work so automatically.  Here are the steps to check for and complete Chromebook updates.

  1. Log in to the Chromebook with any valid account.
  2. At the bottom right, select the time.
  3. Select Settings .
  4. At the bottom of the left panel, select About Chrome OS.
  5. Under "Google Chrome OS," you'll find which version of the Chrome operating system your Chromebook uses.
  6. Select Check for updates.
  7. Complete the prompt to Restart after the update, if an update is available.

] Reset Default Settings
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More More and then Settings.
  3. At the bottom, click Advanced.
    • Under "Reset Settings," click Restore settings to their original defaults and then Reset Settings.